Курси англійської мови «English CO UA» вітають з початком нового навчального року і щиро бажають натхнення викладачам, успіхів студентам. Я радий запропонувати вам з нагоди початку нового семестру добірку цікавого відео:
1) Thank a teacher
2) Find your voice
Всі запропоновані відео уроки включают текст, відео та міні-словник.
Thank a Teacher
I am who I am because I had a great teacher. A great teacher is a work of art. A great teacher is a key to success. A great teacher can change a life. A great teacher changed my life. Linda Bowie. Hunter Frost. Mr. Isaacson. Mr. Cone. I learned that I didn’t need to be like everybody else. I learned that everything is possible. I learned not to sweat the small stuff. I learned that you can approach knowledge with a sense of wonder and fun. I didn’t learn how to speak Spanish even though she was my Spanish teacher, but I did learn how to be myself. Mr. Isaacson, it’s been a long time but thank you. Emily Darcy Lakesmith, thank you very much. Thank you, Hunter Frost. Mr. Quest, I thank you. Charlotte Pace, thank you. To each and every one of my teachers, thank you.
New vocabulary to learn:
sweat [swet] 1) потіти, пітніти to sweat with fear — обливатися холодним потом від страху 2) трудитися; виконувати чорну роботу, потіти (над чимсь)
Stephen Covey – Find Your Voice
Are you idealistic? Are you a dreamer? Do you see potential in others? Then you have some of the key qualities for creating vision. Each of us has immeasurable power to reinvent: our own lives. So let’s start at the beginning. What is your destiny? What is your unique mission in life? To develop your vision, simply use your imagination. You see, all things are created twice; first, in the mind and second, in physical reality. As you develop your vision, make sure it taps into your energies and gives you a sense of calling. Sometimes we let our history or our emotional scars limit our vision. But vision is more powerful than that, it is infinite. Remember, you do not have to know how to execute a vision in order to create it. As Einstein put it, imagination is more important than knowledge. You can free your mind to start envisioning a future which is defined by expressing your voice.
New vocabulary to learn:
immeasurable – незмірний, величезний, безмірний
envision – уявляти (що-н.) , малювати в своїй уяві